Thursday, July 29, 2004

Democrats New Found Love of the Military

Many of the democrats whom I know seem to think that Kerry's war service is the reason he will be elected over Bush.  This is funny coming from folks who for decades attacked and gutted the U.S. Military.  That being as it may, let me name a few war heroes who were not elected: George McGovern, Bob Dole, Curtis LeMay.

This is all so phony.

Was John Edwards in the military?  I thought not.  Why not?

When military service is a liability, i.e. Clinton, Democrats poo-poo it as not important.  When it is a strength, they make up phony reasons to criticize a Republican president who actually did serve. 

For all that one can say about the Republican and Democratic parties, one thing is clear.  No party has done more to support the U.S. military than the Republican party.  No party has done more damage to our security and to our military than the Democratic party.  Facts.  Plain and simple.  The sooner the American people are reminded of that, the quicker Bush can out this thing away and get on with governing.